
ACT Shelter, ACTCOSS and the Community Housing Industry Association (ACT Region) collectively welcome the Homelessness Week Housing Stimulus announced by the Chief Minister today but question the opportunity cost, and warn that without substantial and sustained ongoing investment social and affordable housing there will be fewer housing options available for Canberrans most in need when the Housing Strategy expires in 2028.

“Investment in social housing infrastructure, such as public housing, is a win-win. Secure homes for people with disabilities and secure jobs for construction workers are a great social return on investment. The addition of 60 new class C homes will provide vital accessible and affordable housing options with security of tenure to support people with disabilities to exercise more choice and control over housing decisions. Infrastructure upgrades to extend the asset life of multiunit complexes will support hundreds of Canberrans to stay safely housed…” ACTCOSS Director, Emma Campbell said today.

Full media release here