An explosion of colour and talent was on display at this year’s Tenant Art Showcase in WA last Wednesday.

Family, friends and supporters turned up to admire and celebrate the diverse talents of 53 artists from the Housing Choices community. Red sold stickers were dotted all over the gallery space within the Gary Holland Community Centre in Rockingham. The room was full of excitement and congratulations as tenants enjoyed the opportunity to appreciate each other’s work and catch up over afternoon tea and a cuppa in a relaxed setting.
In its third year, the art show has grown exponentially, with 160 works on display, attracting admirers and keen art buyers tallying up sales of $4000.
HCWA also had the pleasure of giving away a number of prizes to category award winners, Susan Gresham, Bharti Jaglan, Hodette Gazzone, Quillum Stark, Ben Chivers and Lilli Johns.

Congratulations to all artists and everyone who contributed to make the 2023 Tenant Art Showcase a smashing success.

Photos: Natalie Sangalli (HCWA) and artists from the event